Tuesday, March 31, 2009

BBC says it will share audio and video with newspapers

THE BBC has confirmed it is developing a plan to share its online content with newspapers and do more to link to rival news organisations.
In its submission to the government's Digital Britain consultation, published this week, the corporation said work was underway to create an "online syndication strategy".
Last December, BBC director general Mark Thompson said he was keen to help the newspaper industry by syndicating some of the BBC's news footage and waiving the charge it makes to provide TV listings.
"The BBC will explore whether it can do more to support the newspaper industry through a range of initiatives including greater online linking and the syndication of online content," the broadcaster's submission said.
"The current proposal is for a phased roll-out to a limited number of partners in the first instance, before extending the offer more widely.
"Syndication would be subject to partners agreeing to appropriate terms and conditions in relation to branding of BBC content, advertising and editorial considerations."
The BBC has already announced a sharing agreement with Telegraph Media Group, allowing the newspaper publisher to put some content from the BBC iPlayer on the Telegraph.co.uk website.
The olive branch to the newspaper industry comes after the BBC's plans to launch a network of online video news websites across the UK was blocked by the BBC Trust in the face of massive opposition from the regional press.
The corporation's governing body said the local video proposals could have harmed regional newspapers' attempts to make money online and was not a worthwhile use of licence fee money.

Source: Press Gazette

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